• Copyright

    Copyright statement for the Office of the Land Access Ombudsman.

  • Disclaimer

    Disclaimer information for the Office of the Land Access Ombudsman website, including limitation of liability and third-party sites.

  • Privacy

    Information about how we protect the privacy and security of website visitors.

  • Right to Information

    How to access information, right to information, information privacy, amending personal information, right of review.

  • Accessibility

    Our website has been designed so that it's content is available to as many users as possible.

  • Publication scheme

    The categories of information we routinely make available to the public through our website and where to find them.

  • Our policies

    The policies and procedures that guide the LAO and our activities.

  • Gifts and benefits register

    Gifts and benefits valued at more than $100 that have been given and received by our team.

  • Disclosure log

    Details of information released in response to non-personal right to information requests.

Last updated: 07 Jul 2022