Our publication scheme categorises and describes the information we routinely make available to the public through our website.

About us

Information about our Ombudsman, who we are, what we can investigate and our role in Queensland’s land access space.

Our services

The services we provide to the public.

Our finances

Our office receives funding from the Department of Resources.

The department publishes information about our income and expenditure through the department’s annual report.

Our priorities

Our strategic objectives and priorities are outlined in our Strategic plan.

Our outcomes and progress against these priorities are covered in our Annual reports.

Our decisions

How we make decisions, including our investigation process, reviews and guidelines.

Our policies

The policies that guide us in delivering our functions and responsibilities, including the Code of conduct, Right to information policy, Customer complaints management policy and more.

Our lists

Our lists and registers contain information relating to the functions of the LAO. These include:

Contact us

If you would like to provide feedback about our publication scheme or make a complaint about the information available, please contact us.

Last updated: 07 Jul 2022