We want to hear your feedback, good or bad, to help us ensure we are delivering quality services and improving where possible.

Compliments and general feedback

If we have done something well or there’s a suggestion you’d like to make please let us know.

  • Write

    Customer Feedback
    Office of the Land Access Ombudsman
    Reply Paid 87700
    PO Box 15148
    City East  QLD  4002

  • Phone


The Office of the Land Access Ombudsman (OLAO) is committed to managing complaints effectively. We handle all complaints against our actions, decisions or the conduct of our staff in a responsive, confidential and fair manner. All complaints will be treated in the strictest confidence and in accordance with the Information Privacy Act 2009.

If you have a complaint, there are 4 steps in the process.

Step 1: Try to resolve the complaint informally

If you have a complaint to make, we encourage you to discuss your concerns with the OLAO staff member involved. You may be able to resolve the complaint informally. Contact us on 1800 717 500 and we will put you through to the relevant person.

Step 2: Lodge a formal complaint

If your concern can’t be resolved, or you are unhappy with the outcome, you can lodge a formal complaint. Wherever possible it’s best to contact us in writing so we can accurately and thoroughly investigate all aspects of your complaint.

Anonymous complaints will be accepted, but it can be more difficult to investigate a complaint without all the necessary information.

You can lodge a complaint by phone, mail or email.


1800 717 500 (freecall)


Complete our Complaint form (PDF, 113KB) and send it to:

Reply Paid 8770
PO Box 15148
City East  QLD  4002


Complete our Complaint form and email it to corporatelao@lao.org.au.

Step 3: Resolving your complaint

We try to resolve complaints within 20 business days.

If a complaint is more complex or sensitive and requires more time to resolve, we’ll ensure the reasons for this extension are explained to you, and regular progress updates will be provided until the complaint is finalised.

Step 4: Unresolved complaints

If you are not satisfied how your formal complaint was resolved, you can request an internal review by a senior staff member with no involvement in the matter, or the Land Access Ombudsman.

Should you be unhappy with the outcome of the internal review, you may further complain to the Queensland Ombudsman.

In the case of privacy complaints, the internal review process does not apply and you may complain to the Office of the Information Commissioner.

Our Customer complaints management policy (PDF, 118KB) sets out the service you can expect from us and how we can work together to best address your concerns.

We also have a Policy for complaints about corrupt conduct against the Ombudsman (PDF, 221KB).

Last updated: 07 Jul 2022